

M16, Eagle Nebula

2019-08-26/29 / Click on image to enlarge

"One of the best-known pictures of the Eagle Nebula is the Hubble Space Telescope image taken in 1995, called the Pillars of Creation."

The Eagle Nebula - already part of Messier's famous catalogue in 1764 as M16 - is a 5.5 million-year-old cloud of molecular hydrogen gas and dust stretching approximately 70 light-years by 55 light-years. One suspects the Eagle Nebula has several star-forming regions within it.

This enormous stellar nursery lies 7,000 light-years away in the inner spiral arm of the Milky Way, known as the Sagittarius-Carina Arm. In Earth's sky, the Eagle Nebula is found within the constellation of Serpens.

Technical Details

LocationZollikerberg, Switzerland
CameraNikon DSLR D810A
TelescopeTS ONTC 12" f/4 Carbon Newton
OpticsTS 2,5" Wynne Coma Corrector
Focal Length1126mm
MountiOptron CEM60 Center-Balanced Equatorial Mount
AutoguidingLacerta MGEN2 (Autoguiding, Dithering)
Planetarium SoftwareStellarium
Image Session ControlAPT - Astro Photography Tool v3.5, ASCOM Platform 6
Lights34/16 x 120s (total 1h40'), ISO-1600, additional Biases, Flats, no Darks
Stacking SoftwarePixinsight 1.8, Drizzle 2x
Image ProcessingPixinsight 1.8