

Sh2-132, Lion Nebula

2021-09-06, 2021-10-23 / Click on image to enlarge

"Rather faint and obscure"

Sh2-132 is extensive emission nebula visible in the constellation of Cepheus. It locates on the southern edge of the constellation, a short distance from the border with Lacerta, along the plane of the Milky Way. Sh2-132 is located at a distance of about 10,400 years light.

Technical Details

LocationZollikerberg, Switzerland
CameraNikon DSLR D810A
TelescopeTS ONTC 12" f/4 Carbon Newton
OpticsTS 2,5" Wynne Coma Corrector
Focal Length1113mm
MountiOptron CEM120 Center-Balanced Equatorial Mount
AutoguidingMGEN-3 (Dithering)
Planetarium SoftwareStellarium
Image Session ControlAPT - Astro Photography Tool v3.88, ASCOM Platform 6
Lights57 x 120s / 108 x 120s (total 5h30'), ISO-1600, additional Biases, Flats, no Darks
Stacking SoftwarePixinsight 1.8, Drizzle 2x
Image ProcessingPixinsight 1.8